Tuesday, July 29, 2014

August Market Place, farm eggs, work-share and more!

Hello Long Beach Locals-

We are in mid stride at the farm but summer is quickly moving behind us. I try not to rush the seasons and enjoy everything it has to offer but when your farming you are always looking ahead. Thinking of ways to improve efficiency, product, yields. Right now I'm thinking about my fall crops. What worked last year, what very much didn't. Phase out the spent tomatoes and get back to rapini. 

If you are interested in learning what to do in your garden this time of year please join us for our August 9th class on the farm. Starting at 11 we will be hands on seed starting showing you different methods, seed selection and what medium to use. You will take home a packet of seeds and some starts that you have planted with us. Class is $10 and rsvp is recommended. Please see Alicia at the Farmstand Saturday morning for payment.

We are also currently accepting Fall 2014 work-share applications. Blanks are available in the Farmstand or you can download here...work-share. We ask for a 2 day commitment, 3 hours each shift. You day choices are Monday, Tuesday or Friday. Please commit to the same day every week so we know how to schedule the work. Sorry for all the 9 to 5ers. We do have occasional Saturday work days and you are welcome to attend any of those. Application deadline is the 15th. We will have orientation on the 18th and make our selection right away. Thanks for all of you committed to help keeping agriculture in the LBC.

Lastly I have great news for all my egg eaters. I found a better deal on organic grain and am lowering the price to $9 dozen. If you are a annual member of Long Beach Local you get 10% off all purchases and that makes your eggs $8 doz and that is a screaming deal. Eggs comparable to ours are typically $1each. Yes, each egg. I want to be able to provide eggs at a reasonable cost but the price of organic non-gmo grain is insanely expensive. So for now that's the best we can do.

Thanks again. We love you and thanks so much for the support. See you on the farm AUGUST 9TH.

-Sasha Kanno







Long Beach Local is responsible for the content of this email.
Sasha Kanno, 2714 California Ave, Long Beach, CA 90755

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Friday, July 25, 2014

Saturday workday tomorrow and Amazon!

Hello Long Beach Locals-

Happy Friday to all of you. Quick note to remind you we will be on the farm selling our fresh eggs today from 9-12.

Tomorrow, Saturday the 26th we will be working on the farm to finish the shade structure above the raised beds. If you are interested in helping out come on down. No tools needed this time but please bring water and wear a hat, its been really hot this week. And since we will be on the farm might as well sell our eggs Saturday too. 9-???

Lastly, we signed up with Amazon Smile so if you are a shopper like we are please do so through Amazon Smile and select Long Beach Local for your charity. They will donate back to us. Awesome!The link is on our website, front page.

And mark your calendar for Second Saturday Market Place August 9th. Vendor and class line up coming next week.

Thanks and see you on the farm!

-Sasha Kanno - Farmer



Long Beach Local is responsible for the content of this email.
Sasha Kanno, 2714 California Ave, Long Beach, CA 90755

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Monday, July 21, 2014

Let's build a classroom on the farm!

Hello Long Beach Locals-

Thanks to your support over the last 4 years we have been able to feed hundreds of local residents and get our farm established. This is naturally a long term project and as each growing season passes we learn and improve by leaps and bounds.

Unfortunately we are not able to have our retail store open weekly. Honestly our farm just does not produce enough. Instead we decided to open our Farmstand 59 monthly, thank you everyone who has been coming to these Saturday Market Place mornings. We are offering our fresh produce, eggs, flowers, heritage walnuts, reusable produce bags and other evolving seasonal, local and handmade products.

We also added breakfast, coffee and music to the morning. Our vendors are farm friends and everyone follows the same principals as we do. Everyone uses local and organic ingredients in their fare. Its all small batch and beautifully made. With an awesome soundtrack to top off the morning. This happens every second Saturday from 10-1 in our Farmstand.

A goal since conception of the farm has always been to host classes and students. In June we hosted a raw food demo, July's class was how to make compost tea. I recently did a survey and some future classes will include, flower crown making, chicken keeping, seed starting, bee keeping, irrigation set up, biodynamic preparations and applications and much more. This year we expect the biology students from Milikan to expand their course to include our farm, Camp Fire kids and Bay Shore Pre School just to name a few schools we work with. The interest in our farm is growing along with our knowledge and we would love to share this with you.

Here is the ask: We would like to build a 30' x 40' shade structure on the farm to be able to host classes in the shade. As much as we love the sun its not very forgiving in the summer and let's face it, its always summer. For a $3,000 donation we will be able to build a custom shade canopy that is suitable for the farm. This will allow our visitors to have a shaded structure to relax under while they are attending our farm.

This tax deductible donation will cover the cost of materials and the building of the structure. If you are interested in making it a team building for your employees or a community work day that is also welcome. Many hands make small work and we would love to have you on the farm.

We are very fortunate to have this working farm in such a congested area.  Let's keep expanding and improving your small farm.

Proposed area for outdoor classroom

Shaded area for hosting our students would be a welcome addition
Thank you for your consideration and I hope to hear from you soon.
-Sasha Kanno - Farmer/ Founder
Ph: 562.230.7207


Long Beach Local is responsible for the content of this email.
Sasha Kanno, 2714 California Ave, Long Beach, CA 90755

Had enough? No hard feelings. Unsubscribe now or copy and paste the following URL into your browser:

Outdoor classroom on the farm

Hello Long Beach Locals-

Thanks to your support over the last 4 years we have been able to feed hundreds of local residents and get our farm established. This is naturally a long term project and as each growing season passes we learn and improve by leaps and bounds.

Unfortunately we are not able to have our retail store open weekly. Honestly our farm just does not produce enough. Instead we decided to open our Farmstand 59 monthly, thank you everyone who has been coming to these Saturday Market Place mornings. We are offering our fresh produce, eggs, flowers, heritage walnuts, reusable produce bags and other evolving seasonal, local and handmade products.

We also added breakfast, coffee and music to the morning. Our vendors are farm friends and everyone follows the same principals as we do. Everyone uses local and organic ingredients in their fare. Its all small batch and beautifully made. With an awesome soundtrack to top off the morning. This happens every second Saturday from 10-1 in our Farmstand.

A goal since conception of the farm has always been to host classes and students. In June we hosted a raw food demo, July's class was how to make compost tea. I recently did a survey and some future classes will include, flower crown making, chicken keeping, seed starting, bee keeping, irrigation set up, biodynamic preparations and applications and much more. This year we expect the biology students from Milikan to expand their course to include our farm, Camp Fire kids and Bay Shore Pre School just to name a few schools we work with. The interest in our farm is growing along with our knowledge and we would love to share this with you.

Here is the ask: We would like to build a 30' x 40' shade structure on the farm to be able to host classes in the shade. As much as we love the sun its not very forgiving in the summer and let's face it, its always summer. For a $3,000 donation we will be able to build a custom shade canopy that is suitable for the farm. This will allow our visitors to have a shaded structure to relax under while they are attending our farm.

This tax deductible donation will cover the cost of materials and the building of the structure. If you are interested in making it a team building for your employees or a community work day that is also welcome. Many hands make small work and we would love to have you on the farm.

We are very fortunate to have this working farm in such a congested area.  Let's keep expanding and improving your small farm.

Proposed area for outdoor classroom

Shaded area for hosting our students would be a welcome addition
Thank you for your consideration and I hope to hear from you soon.
-Sasha Kanno - Farmer/ Founder
Ph: 562.230.7207

Friday, July 11, 2014

Tomorrow on the farm 10-1

Hello Long Beach Locals-

We are looking forward to hosting you tomorrow on our farm. The morning includes breakfast from The Ladyfarmer, made from farm fresh produce and eggs, Pop Up Coffee will provide coffee, tea and sweet and savory dishes also using our farm goodies. Our most favorite DJ Mr.Bill will be spinning eclectic tunes for your shopping pleasure and Long Beach Creamery Home Kitchen will be selling her ice cream add on's.

In our Farmstand we will be selling our delicious fresh eggs (you can see our hens from the store), rare variety flowers, heirloom tomatoes, kale, swiss chard, herbs, HONEY and much more. Come early for best selection.

This months feature is a quick farm tour and a composting class with Malibu Compost! Lauren will show us how to brew and apply compost tea to feed your garden. If you have heard of compost tea and not sure how to brew and apply this is the class for you. We are asking a $10 donation for this hands on class. Please be farm ready with water, hat, sunscreen and flat shoes.

Thank you for supporting your local farm and see you on Saturday July 12th!

 -Sasha Kanno, Farmer/Founder

Long Beach Local is responsible for the content of this email.
Sasha Kanno, 2714 California Ave, Long Beach, CA 90755

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Monday, July 7, 2014

This Saturday on the farm!

This Saturday is our next event on the farm. July 12th 10-1. Located at 2714 California Ave, Long Beach from 10am-1pm.

We will be serving breakfast, coffee, music, the Farmstand is open! And we are hosting a compost class to help your garden through this hot summer and answer your gardening questions.Thank you for supporting your local farm and see you on Saturday!

 -Sasha Kanno, Farmer/Founder

Long Beach Local is responsible for the content of this email.
Sasha Kanno, 2714 California Ave, Long Beach, CA 90755

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