Tuesday, October 9, 2012

2nd Saturday Build Day this Saturday.

Hello Long Beach Locals-

This Saturday is our monthly 2nd Saturday work day. We will be doing farm chores such as taking down tomato trellis, pulling weeds and starting seeds. If you are interested in learning how to garden organically and with biodynamic principals come on down. We will be there from 9-3.

Please bring water and anything else you need to be comfortable. Its not as hot as its been but don't let it fool you. The work is hard and it gets hot, come prepared.

We are making amazing progress on our farm stand and should be open soon. I'll let you all know but definitely by Thanksgiving.

Also our CSA is on hiatus until Spring 2013. Thanks to everyone who purchased our weekly farm boxes. Its the purchasing of the produce that makes this all possible. I appreciate you all coming to the farm weekly to pick up your boxes. It is a pleasure to grow delicious pesticide free produce for you and your family.

Lastly we are having our 3rd annual Harvest Dinner on the farm. Info posted below and on our facebook as well as the calendar section of our website.

Thanks and see you on the farm!

Sasha Kanno

On October 21, 2012 T’sSpace in collaboration with Farm Lot 59 and beachgreens are hosting the 3rd Annual Local Harvest DinnerThis event is designed to celebrate the nourishing organic, local food that farmers, gardeners, chefs and distributors bring to our tables and offer an opportunity to educate and empower our community on the importance of eating and supporting healthy, organic and locally harvested food and products.  We hope to provide an opportunity for you to connect with the greater community and with one another in a casual, intimate setting.

We invite you as a Long Beach resident, local organic farmer, community gardener, chef or sustainable food provider to join our table.  We ask that you bring a dish using local, organic, and sustainably grown ingredients prepared from your harvest or local food provider to serve minimum 6 - 8 people, a place card describing your dish and where it came from.  We also invite you to bring surplus organic produce or products from your harvest to share at the Trading Post (a table for people to exchange their harvests & products like sweet potatoes and jam). We are inviting the community at large to do the same.  We want this event to be an experience where people leave feeling empowered to make sustainable choices in their life, form personal relationships with the people who are growing and distributing food here in Long Beach, eat healthy nourishing food and connect to our community.  Feel free to bring materials about your farm, garden or services.

We will share this communal meal, potluck style, at the beautiful new farm: Farm Lot 59

located at 2712 California Ave, Long Beach on Sunday, October 21st, 3:30 -  5:30pm.

We will be highlighting participants that provide sustainable food to our tables. If you are interested in speaking please let us know.  Depending on the number of participants we will at the very least make introductions.  Please confirm your participation by October 14th.

To RSVP - send an email to: tanya.quinn@communeloveprosper.com or call: 562.824.0453.


Long Beach Local is responsible for the content of this email.
Sasha Kanno, 2714 California Ave, Long Beach, CA 90755

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