Sunday, September 30, 2012

Thanks - first party was awesome!

Hello Long Beach Locals-

Last weekend's party was outstanding. I had such a great time and I'm pretty sure everyone else did too. The food was amazing and the music was so fun. Thanks to everyone who came out to celebrate our local farm. Let's do it again next year!

Days are getting shorter and summer is winding down. Despite all the setbacks we did manage to produce over a 1,000# of heirloom tomatoes out of just 3 tiny rows and lots of other delicious produce. We are very grateful to have made it through our very first growing season. 

We are going through some changes down on the farm. We planted all our fall crops and were completely wiped out by a nasty beetle. I tried to fight this bug organically but I cannot get it under control. Its called a Harlequin Beetle and has caused major damage to farmers all across the country. Its a nasty stink bug with no predators and it multiplies like mad. It really enjoyed our beautiful napa cabbage and all our broccoli's. I'm currently replanting different crops for fall. Onions, garlic, more peas, flowers, artichokes. This spring the farm is going to be very abundant.

But until then I am putting our weekly Farm Box on hold for the winter. We will relaunch the CSA in Spring 2013. I'll be posting about it when we open for sign ups. Sometime around the new year. There might be a brunch happening around this time too. Its going to be delicious.

We are hosting our 3rd annual Harvest Dinner on the farm. October 21st from 3:30-5:30. All the information will be posted in the calendar section of our website. This is a potluck communal meal using local, organic, sustainable ingredients. This is the 3rd year and every year the food is more and more amazing. People really pull out all the stops on this meal. Bring your won bowl, chair, BYOB and come down. Its fun.

And lastly we are currently building Farmstand 59. We are working Saturday's to get it finished. If you are interested in helping us build come on down. Bring your favorite tool.

Thanks again for all the support on and off the farm.

-Sasha Kanno

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