Monday, August 1, 2011

Thank you from Wrigley is Going Green

Dear Tree Care Day participants,

On Saturday July 30, we managed to to take care of nearly 150 trees that we had planted back in November of 2007. It was exciting to see all the trees in their various degrees of development.

Of course this could not have happened without the help of over 35 volunteers that we had come out to help on a refreshingly not too hot July morning. Check out the photos attached.

We would like to thank everyone who participated on Saturday: Doug, Juan, Hermilindo, Roberto, Ricardo, Lizette, Anthony, Andy, Mary, James, Stephen, Christopher M., Michael E., Mikelle, Craig, Danny, Vernon, John, Thor, Antonion, Luci, Edgar, Michael B., Salvador, Christopher C., Bryan, Lori, Derek, Efren, Victoria, Jennifer, Samuel, Mike, Melissa, Matt, Robin, Colleen, Dolores and Sasha. If you're name is not here or we misspelled it, we apologize, but are very grateful for your help.

There are a few extra thanks that are necessary:

Colleen McDonald, thank you for the two really great suggestions of people to contact for help. They were both great leads and great help. Also, thank you for bringing out your tools, we are so sorry that you came with three but only went home with one. Maybe people will find them and we can get them returned to you. And lastly, thank you and Joy Mendoza for supplying tickets for the Stearns Musical Group Show that was in the afternoon.

Sasha Kanno, thank you for lending us the tools and the table which were indispensable.

Juan Bucio, from Neighborhood Services, thank you for coming out and doing all that you did, from being a team leader, to picking up the debris, to taking charge of the community service hours, we are so grateful for your assistance.

Dale and Fred from Long Beach Rescue Mission, thank you for supplying the snacks. They were delicious and a great energy boost. We will be returning your trays soon.

To our other Team Leaders: Doug Sato and John Royce on Daisy, Craig Coenen on Hill Street, and Danny Lemos on Eucalyptus and other miscellaneous locations. Thank you for allowing us to put you in charge of your groups unexpectedly. You did a great job and we accomplished so much because of you.

John Royce and Thor: Your mastery of trees and teamwork is so inspiring. Thank you as always for all your help.

Craig Coenen, Thank you for always volunteering and helping us do everything we ever ask of you and for always being one of the last to leave.

Vernon Rudd: Thank you, for always going the extra mile, a Wrigley is Going Green event isn't the same without you there.

And a special call out to those of you who lent us your cars and trucks for the event, like Dolores Williams and Vernon Rudd. And Mike Laquatra for your extra effort and letting us use your truck for storage and clean up afterward.

Thank you all,
Mauna Eichner, Lee Fukui and Lisa Wibroe
Wrigley is Going Green!

*p.s. Some of the tools seemed to have been misplaced, if you find amongst your belongings a yellow or a black and red pruning shear that says Mauna Lee on it, a pair of lopers that says Colleen on it, or an orange rusty D shape saw with no name, please let us know. Thanks again.

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