Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Notes from the farm

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Happy Summer y'all! Its officially summer here in the LBC although I don't think we had spring and I don't even remember what winter is. Oh, well. We are picking summer squash by the cases, fresh herbs, purple and green beans, asparagus, salad mixes. The kale and mustards are being destroyed by the bagrada bug. Everything else is just keeping us occupied until tomato season hits. Our eggplant is looking happy and healthy, nice our soil work is paying off. We have okra sprouting in the greenhouse and the dahlia buds are just beginning to open.

Thank you everyone who attended our Chicken Keeping workshop and our Gardening Class. We are going to take a break during the summer months but will be back with classes in September to help you get your fall/ winter garden going strong. As always events and ticket links are posted on the front of our website. Consider joining as a member to receive first pick and member pricing on everything.

If you happen to follow us on Instagram or Facebook  you might have seen us posting about the chicken massacre that has been happening at the farm. Over the last week we have had night predators wiping out our egg laying hens. We took every precaution possible to keep our flock happy and healthy but we failed. Turns out we had a skunk killing our hens in the predawn hours. My husband camped out night after night and finally figured out what was happening. We have been setting traps and have started to catch them but the damage is done. Most of the pullets that just started laying have been destroyed. 

For us chicken keeping was not a profitable enterprise but we loved producing a delicious local egg for you folks to eat. Unfortunately this means our egg production operation has basically ended. What we do have will still be for sale at Working Class Kitchen

Thank you for supporting the local restaurants that support us. There is a full list on our site. By selling to them we are able to keep growing food locally and teaching farming in Long Beach.

See you on the farm-
Sasha Kanno

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Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Gardening Class on the Farm this Saturday

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You Built a Garden, Now What?

Join us on the farm this Saturday the 13th for a hands on gardening class. This 3 hour class will focus on what you have already growing in your garden and how to keep it thriving and producing all summer long. 

We will touch on soil health, crop rotation, composing, adding manures, vermiculture, compost tea, interplantings and the harvest. 

This class is geared toward people who already have a garden growing and need some tips to keep it happy and healthy. We welcome you to bring pictures, drawings and all your questions to this informative and interactive class. Please bring water, hat and a snack. 
Join Long Beach Local as a member and receive member pricing on all our classes and events. We appreciate your ongoing support to help keep agriculture in LB. 
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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Urban Farm Upcoming Classes

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Chicken Keeping Class!

Join us this Saturday for a chicken keeping class. All your questions and google searchers will be answered live and in person. We have been keeping hens for a long time and have seen lots of beautiful disasters happen.
Chickens are a great addition to your homestead but there are things you should know before you invest the time and money. We welcome you to bring your questions to the farm to learn all about it. 

Breed, feed, housing, basic veterinary care is a great place to start.  Do you want chicks or pullets? How do you make sure you do not end up with a rooster? What are the current laws in Long Beach? How many should you start with and most exciting, what to do with all those fresh eggs!!!


You Built a Garden, Now What?

Join us on the farm for a hands on gardening class. Everything you need to know to be a successful backyard gardener begins with the soil. We will teach you what to do in your garden now to be successful all summer long. 

This class is geared toward people who already have a garden growing and need some tips to keep it thriving. This is a crash course in composting, vermiculture, compost tea, crop rotation, planting and harvesting. 

We welcome you to bring pictures, drawings and all your questions to this informative and interactive class. Please bring water, hat and a snack. 
Join Long Beach Local as a member and receive member pricing on all our classes and events. We appreciate your ongoing support to help keep agriculture in LB. 
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