Volunteer dates, board member applications and save the date info! | Hello and happy New Year to all my Long Beach Locals. I hope your holid

Volunteer dates, board member applications and save the date info! |
Hello and happy New Year to all my Long Beach Locals. I hope your holidays were full of reflection and rejuvenation. Winter for us at the farm means letting the soil rest a bit, turning off the irrigation, wrapping up projects and planning for spring. Thank you to a very generous anonymous donor we are finally able to get electricity to the field. We still need to find funding to build a proper washing station, refrigeration and security lights. Please keep us in mind for your donation dollars as well as your company in service or financial contributions. Few exciting things. We have a volunteer coordinator that started with us over the winter. Volunteer orientation will be on Feb 1st from 9-11. More details and all the spring dates are posted here. If 2020 is bringing you a renewed sense of community and feel like giving some time we are seeking board members. Applications are here and due by March 2nd. If you have questions about expectations and obligations please fill out the form and ask away. We would love to talk more about how you can help us visualize the next phase of the farm. Few dates to put in your calendar now: Feb 1st - volunteer orientation April 5th - Farm Lot Eats! July 18th or 19th (not sure yet) Farm Roast Thanks for supporting your local farm and we can't wait to see you this spring. Happy New Year. -Sasha Kanno / Farmer - Founder |