Sunday, June 30, 2013
Perfectly Grilled Carrots
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Farm Lot update and Thanks!
Hello Long Beach Locals-
As our farm moves into our second growing season we are learning so much. The soil is better than last year but still needs a lot of work. Our drainage issue didn't magically go away and the fence is only a rabbit deterrent. On the up side things are flourishing and growing out of a past illegal dump. That part is a bit magic.
When I started this farm I didn't have an operating budget and survived on grants and volunteer help. I want to thank all the hundreds of people in this community (LB, national and cyber) that have supported me and this crazy idea to build a farm.
This year our farm is taking a new direction. We increased our board of directors by 2 new amazing members. Welcome Justin Hectus and Steve South. I'm excited to see where this new leadership will take us. We already have plans to do more community outreach and guided tours. You will be hearing more about this soon.
Unfortunately we also learned that having children on the farm during our work days is not safe. If you are a guest during Farmstand 59 hours the farm is open and you are welcome to have a self guided walk. If you want your kids to come and experience the farm we suggest you convince their teacher to bring them down as a class. You are of course welcome to join!
We are also excited to switch up the way we work with our talented volunteers. We are no longer accepting new volunteers. If you have worked with us in the past we are more than happy to have you continue on with us. If its been a while since a visit you are still more than welcome to return. The farm has changed a lot since you were with us last. Soon we will be launching a new Intern program where we will be taking applications and asking people to commit on a weekly basis. Farm work is very time sensitive and technical. Its just too difficult to start from scratch with new folks on a weekly basis. So instead we will be taking people in sessions. You will learn everything from start to finish in a growing season. This new program will launch very soon.
Please continue to support us as we grow and change with the seasons. We love Long Beach and am pleased as punch to provide you all with delicious organic non-gmo produce, flowers, fruit every week. We love having you at the farm and look forward to more events, meals and tours.
Our Farmstand is open Fri 2-6 & Sat 10-2 March - October. Support your local farm by spending your food dollars with us.
Your Family Farmer-
Sasha Kanno
Long Beach Local is responsible for the content of this email.
Sasha Kanno, 2714 California Ave, Long Beach, CA 90755
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Thursday, June 6, 2013
Squash Souffle'
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Beef CSA
Where to get amazing beef...
J&J Grassfed BeefJune CSA News **Gluten Free Jerky is Here**
June Order Deadline!Your order deadline for June is Wednesday, the 12th at 11:00pm. Please click the link below to log into your account and place your order.
***New This Month***Gluten Free, GMO Free Beef Jerky!We finally have it!!! The USDA has approved our gluten free, organic ingredient jerky recipe and it is available this month! Enjoy our amazing jerky without "cheating".
- 4 oz (11grams) pack size, (includes 4-6 pieces of jerky)
- $8.00 per pack
- Be sure to look for "Gluten Free" when ordering.
- NOTE: the Gluten free jerky will NOT be available in the Paleo Packs this month.
Tell Your Friends and Fellow Athletes About Our Program!We have been so blessed to see our monthly CSA/Gym delivery program grow rapidly in 2012 and 2013. Thanks to all our gyms, host home, host business and farmers market hosts for their service and to all our customers for making that happen.If you love our beef and how you buy...tell your friends and fellow athletes about us. Let them in on the best way to get their CA grassfed beef fix at great prices.
This Months Special! Chuck SteakIts time to grill! Summer is here and that means grilling outdoors and family fun. Over the next 3 or 4 months we will offer several great grilling specials. So grab, grill and grub!
- Chuck Steak
$12.00Lb. this month $10.00 per Lb.
- Highly marbled.
- Approximately .75 to 1.25 lb sizes.
- Great to marinate for tenderness and has tons of flavor.
- No Limit! Order Today!
CSA Reminders!
Thanks to all our faithful CSA customers! We have experienced a significant amount of growth in our program which is great! This direct relationship has always been our goal. We love meeting and serving you by growing and delivering the best grassfed beef! Here are a couple reminders of our CSA policies:
- A CSA Pack must be ordered before any extra's can be added.
- Your order will now be on hold and an email sent to remind you to choose a pack each time you order.
- Save email and contact info for your host!
- Call Jay @ 661.301.1043 with any payment info changes.
- The System is not changing payment info entered by members..? So until this is fixed we will be entering all payment changes on our side.
Please contact us at with questions.
Local Phone: (661)301.1043
We would love to hear from you!
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J&J Grassfed Beef LLC | 21,000 Derby Way | Tehachapi, CA 93561
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Brief update
Sorry for the lack of blogging. Spring got here quick and summer is right on our heels. Our farm is thriving and hopefully you have been reaping the bounty.
Farmstand 59 is open Friday 2-6 & Saturday 10-2. Our delicious organic produce is available for sale during these hours. Everyone wants to get their hands on our pastured organic eggs. I'm sorry the supply is so limited and only as a first - come - first - served item. We are increasing our flock next month so production will go up but until then please be patient.
Our resident bee keeper Shannon is doing another extraction this weekend so honey will be available the week after.
Yesterday while I was at the feed store I impulse purchased 4 heritage breed turkeys. Please follow us on Instagram to see the pictures. I think we might auction them off come November. If you have never had a heritage breed they are very different than the typical white breasted over processed turkey you are use to. I'll keep you posted.
Have a great week and see you at the Farmstand this wknd.